Saturday, September 29, 2012

Catching Up and It's Fall Ya'll...Again!

Wow! It's been a while since I've posted on here and I figure it's been long enough. Not that I'm that special or important that someone has noticed. :) I do wish I had the time, money and energy to join the "real" blogging world...maybe one of these days! So I thought I would post my fall decor for 2012...really all I've done was drag out my stash from falls past and throw in a few new items. First up, my front door!
My sweet little sister gave me this giant "S" as a gift a few months back. I just hung it from this peice of jute webbing and added a few fall flowers. Love the simplicity of it!
Next, I printed this free "It's Fall Ya'll" printable from Chelsea at, and slipped it into a pretty frame I had on hand...added a itty bitty pumpkin and a sprig of these fall poppies in my old tin flower pot on my sofa table in front of the living room window! I'm LOVING the Chevron craze lately! Maybe I'll get brave enough one of these days to add a little more here and there.
One more spot I wanted to show you was the coffee table in my living area...this little table holds very special meaning to me. My sweet husband and boys made it for me for Christmas 2010 from an old window that came out of my in-laws little home. I love old windows and I wanted a special way to display it in the house. This was definitly one of my favorite Christmas surprises that year! Here I just added some dried wheat to my galvanzied bucket and some deer anters. Of course my boys think me adding the antlers to my home decor is the "bomb-diggity"! LOL

That white MIXTURE candle in the beautiful urn was a gift from my sweet Aunt Gail. If you've never owned one of these, you've got to try them! This one is the Pineapple Cilantro scent and it smells WONDERFUL! I know that doesn't sound very "fall-ish" but it is actually a warm subtle homey smell. I will be sad when it burns out! Hmmm....maybe I shall add this to my Christmas wish list! *Hint*Hint* 
On a different note, I hope to start sewing and selling my goods again soon. BOTH of my sewing machines went on the blink a few months back and I also was SUPER busy over the summer so I guess my little side business suffered. I had a good friend ask me to add some ruffles to 2 hoodies she has, so hopefully I will get to post those soon!
Have a blessed Saturday and enjoy it...."this is the day that the Lord hath made, I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!"
Love, Miranda