Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It's been too long!

So here I am again...in all my "better late than never" glory. I wanted to post a few things I've been working on and say hi! 

So lately I had really been pondering "expiring" my 25 year old hand-me-down dining table and chairs. The top was scratched up by *ahem* certain little peeps over the years, and the chairs had become a wee bit wobbly. Yes, I could have sanded and painted them, however this was not the look, nor style I was going for. So along comes Craigslist...I heart Craigslist BTW. And this...
And my heart went *thump, thump*!! Oh yeah...I could totally see this turning into something similar to this:
(Via Miss Mustard Seed)
So I've been slowly working at it with the help of my sweet sis in law! 
Almost there! I left the cane back on the chairs like they were at first but decided it was not for me. I like them much better painted white. I plan to recover the seats with some grain sack fabric I ordered from Decor Steals a few months ago and also possibly sew some chair covers like this...

I will post pics of the finished product as soon as I get done! Oh....along with my new/old antique dough bowl from Belgium my mom has ordered for my bday!! *squeal* !!!