Thursday, October 27, 2011


Why is it that I can create the most exquisite cakes for other children and my own get stuck with something random? I guess I can honestly say though, that in this case, Nolan was very pleased with his cake! If ever in the world a child had a love affair with marshmallows, it would be him. They are the first snack he grabs after school, the last one before bed, his favorite topping on everything, and the VERY first thing he thought when handed his list of "do-not-eat" foods from the orthodontist! I literally thought he was goint to have a nervous breakdown when he realized his
"Marshmallow World" was in jeopardy. Thankfully he's been cleared to continue his indulgence and he's as happy as a lark!
Here is a snapshot of my last minute Marshmallow Mountain cake.

Another Hoodie!

I made this really cute hoodie for one of my aunts in Louisiana...pardon the bad quality of my photos. :( It was adorable in person! She wanted a black hoodie, with red and charcoal gray ruffles. I think with my next hoodie "experiment", I am going to get a little crazy with the ruffles.I want to maybe do a random pattern all over both sides of the shirt. We'll see what happens...

Something New...

I am a bit excited! I have seen pictures of scarves lately that I would love to have and decided to try and make one myself. Here is what I came up with in about 20 minutes! Love it! I think I am goint to widen my next one just a tad, and make the ruffles a little bigger. I think these will be one of the items I post on my Etsy shop; BellaChalet99.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


How come when I start out to get my house spick and span, I always get distracted?! Went to get the vaccum cleaner out of the closet and came across a BRAND new package of moss I've been meaning to use for this project! Sooo....after about 30 minutes of cutting and glueing, TA-DAH! My brand new letter "S" to hang in my dining room!
This is so cool! I have now officially figured out how to post from my phone!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dress for Less!

No I do not have copycat fever! Ok...maybe just a little. About a year or so ago I was coveting the most adorable hoodies on another website, but they were a wee bit out of my price range. :( Soooo....I went out and bought me a plain old hoodie, gathered up some old long-sleeved t-shirts, and went to work today! Ta-Dah!!! My very own embellished hoodie! I think my husband thought I was a nut....when I finished it and put it on, I went squealing through the house ready to show it off!
I think I'm going to be recycling a lot more of my old t-shirts now! Orders anyone?! Here's my email address: :)

Mums the Word! It's Homecoming Time!

This past Friday night was homecoming for Melissa High School. My neice is in 6th grade and wanted a mum so I agreed to make one for her. She went with me to pick out all the "ingredients" and this is what we came up with! I loved the mix of plaid and zebra print! She declared that it was the PRETTIEST one in the whole school.....let's hope! Maybe I'll get a few orders for next year!

Ashton's Baseball Cake~

Friday night I made another birthday cake. This was one was for my boss's eldest son, Ashton. He loves baseball so his Mom and Dad picked out this cute baseball cake! The cake itself was chocolate which can sometimes be tricky when it comes to spreading on WHITE icing, but it turned out pretty good!

Lights of Bling!

Wow...I feel like I've accomplished quite a bit this weekend! I was able to finish my chandeliers and I think they turned out cute. I added a bit of brown grosgrain ribbon to the middle of the white ruffle on mine. The other ruffle I kept small and did not add any color. I figure if someone wants to buy it, I would rather it somewhat match their decor.
The cool thing about shades is that you can always change them out or even go without them!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

More Projects and Ideas...

I've been working on a few things the last few days. Particularly the chandeliers I'm revamping. I think the shades are going to turn out pretty cute. I'm adding a white damask ruffle and I plan to add something in the middle of the ruffle when I'm done. I will post the finished product of the one I am selling, hopefully this weekend.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

More random ideas....

I promise, this is the last post for the evening! It's still my first day at this and I have a lot of catching up to do.
I have some great ideas for these I will keep and the other I will sell. I also want to start making these personalized bolster pillows. A friend of my sisters made this one for me and she did an awesome job! The burlap curtains are some that I made when we moved in the new house in January. I was pleased with them allthough they were hard work! I hope to start making these to sell soon as well....

Yay! Fall is here....hopefully to stay.

So glad we finally got some cooler weather! I've been doing a little decorating here and there for fall and trying to do it on a budget. Here are a few pics of what I've come up with so far. The wreath, I made from willow branches out of Mom and Dad's yard, hand-me-down sunflowers from Mom, twine, dried wheat from the feed store, and burlap ribbon. The table arrangement I made from willow branches, other misc flowers, more wheat and a leftover piece of burlap ribbon. (See my youngest monkey to the right in the pic giving the "thumbs-up" sign?! LOL) I would love to find a cute outdoor stand for my sign. It says, "The only ghost that lives here is the Holy Ghost!" My mom had seen one like it at a Farmer's Market and told me about it, I thought it was a cute idea since we don't do the whole Halloween thing. I've added 3 pumpkins tonight so those aren't shown in the pics...

"Me Mouse" cake for Christian...

About 2 weeks ago I made this Mickey Mouse cake for my boss's little one, Christian. He turned 3 and he loves "Me Mouse" as he calls him! This one had me nervous! I have never free-handed a Mickey Mouse from fondant...I was paranoid he would have a lop-sided head or something. I was just a tad proud of how he turned out.

Maya Clayre's 5th Birthday~

I made a ladybug cake for Miss Maya Clayre for her 5th birthday. It was a lot

of fun, but I tell you, coloring icing is an experience! Especially when you have a certain color of hot pink in mind. I think it turned out Ok, but I would have rathered the hot pink be a little more "hot"! LOL

More Cakes from Times Past....

Wanted to post a few pics of other cakes I've done. I'm no professional by any means, but I love doing it! Here are a few of a Christmas themed wedding shower cake I made, my sister's wedding shower cake (I LOVED doing this one and had a lot of help from a good friend :), and my 8 year old, Nolan's, bug-themed birthday cake. I hope to start taking more orders soon for custom cakes...Lord willing!

New at this!

Just finished Maya's Lady-bug themed cake! She's turned out to be quite the "Diva" lady-bug with her feathers! I think she turned out cute. This is a great idea for a little girl's birthday party....the colors for the party will be hot pink and black.
Will post pictures as soon as I figure out how....