Thursday, November 14, 2013


Have you ever been on your way home from work or headed back from vacation when you thought of home and what it means to you? I get anxious at times to get to my home and my precious little family. There's nothing like propping your feet up after dinner with a cup of coffee and listening to your kids chatter about their day or having those quiet moments with your spouse. Our homes are not just a house or structure. They are a dwelling place that reflect who we are in many ways. Often times I've walked into a home where I worried about smudging even the door handle or wondered if I was allowed to sit on certain pieces of furniture! I sure pray that when my family, friends or acquaintances step foot through my front door they feel not only comfortable, but at peace. I want my decor, the smells, and the atmosphere to make my guests feel at ease.
Don't get me wrong, with 3 rowdy boys it can be challenging at times to keep things in order, and in place. I still deal with dirty kiddo rooms, mounds of unfolded laundry and a dozen rounds or so of sibling rivalry each day. We get spots on the carpet, and dirt on the floor. As I've watched my kids grow older, I've realized I need to worry less about keeping things perfect and more about making memories. If we eat on paper plates a few nights each week that's fine,
thank God we have food to put on those plates. If we have to fold laundry 5 times a week and put it away, thank God we have clothes and strong healthy children to wear those clothes. If I've got to pick up after my sweet husband, thank God I still have one to pick up after. 
I am appreciative of this home, this family and this life The Lord has blessed me with. I'm so undeserving but forever grateful. 

My sweet Logan brought me these roses from the yard. I placed them in these simple mason jars on my special console table Michael made. 

My burlap banner sums up the way I've been feeling lately! 

Loving our crisp fall weather and savoring every moment... :)

~ Miranda 

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